
Realigning Your Brand’s Communication Strategy During COVID-19

It’s no question that the world around us has shifted in ways none of us could possibly imagine. The novel coronavirus has impacted not only our daily lives, but the future of many businesses as well. We’re all doing our best to revamp communication strategies and figure out the best ways to work remote to practice social distancing. Shoutout to Google hangouts, Zoom, and every single platform that allows us to virtually meet when being in person just isn’t an option. 

But let’s dive in to the bigger issue that most companies are currently facing: temporary closure of non-essential businesses. There’s no denying that this is stressful. How do you continue to operate? We believe there’s always a solution and silver lining in any situation — yes even this one. The move from physical to digital is crucial in these uncertain times and lucky for us, we’re living in the digital age. 

Communication and Transparency is Key For Your Brand

Maintaining a relationship with your customers ensures long-term brand loyalty! Much like any relationship, effective communication and being transparent is important. How many of you have an inbox flooded with ways every single company you’ve given your email address to are addressing COVID-19? If it’s anything like the email updates we’ve received, then we can safely bet the answer is most of you. The better question: how many of you felt the messaging was genuine or useful? 

Reading the same updates, whether it be via email or social media, of how your mortgage company or car insurance is handling the coronavirus might seem tonedeaf in the flurry of other messages that more or less, say the exact same thing. Instead, make sure you’re offering your customers value providing them services and benefits they actually need. 

Showcase Your Brand’s Purpose and Generosity on Social Media

Your brand’s biggest silver lining? People now truly have the time to sit down and take in every email, every social post, and every video you create. Take this time to realign your messaging. Getting on your customer’s good side during hard times will benefit your brand (and it’s longevity).  

It might seem that there is no “business as usual” but that doesn’t mean your business stops. Your audience is browsing the web on laptops and smartphones looking to you to help them cope in an otherwise frantically confusing time — make it count. Now is not the time to sell them, this is a time to serve your audience with useful, honest, and engaging content. 

Check out these fantastic examples of brands effectively communicating with their audience by being transparent with their intentions and offering value to their customers throughout the rapidly evolving COVID-19 crisis.

Lakeland Electric

Why we love it: 

The honesty. The messaging. What’s not to love?! Lakeland Electric has taken transparency to another level with their social media posts. Not only do they list out the steps being taken to keep the community safe and healthy, they’re offering relief to those that will need it the most — and letting the community know publicly.

True MedSpa

Why we love it:

While the closure of non-essential businesses is rocking communities everywhere, that doesn’t mean your brand’s social media presence should die out. In fact, we would hope to see an uptick in your postings! True MedSpa is killing the game when it comes to social media updates by using the Facebook Live feature and implementing specials that allows clients to still purchase their services and products for use at a later date. 

Citizens Bank & Trust

Why we love it:

Providing the best customer service is just one of the many reasons Citizens Bank & Trust has been in business for 100 years. By consistently updating their customers regarding the steps they’re taking to ensure their health and safety by transitioning to drive-thru services only, to making themselves readily available for in-person appointments, no one is left wondering how they’ll handle their financial needs. President and CEO Greg Littleton’s message on their website also provides a comforting, personalized touchpoint for customers. 

Make it Count #ForYourBrand 

COVID-19 has thrown all previous strategies out the window for many of us. How you communicate and handle your brand’s messaging for the foreseeable future will dictate customer retention rates. Taking the time to serve your customers instead of selling them will help keep spirits positive. 

Live up to your brand’s purpose by digging deep, staying authentic, and not missing the mark when it comes to human connection. Your audience will remember positive experiences with your brand just as much as they’ll remember the negatives. 

The Tinsley team hopes you stay safe and healthy and remember to do your part by practicing the five to stop the spread of COVID-19!

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